

A global insurance giant with close ties to the French political and business elite.

Check all our investigations on Axa.

Tous les chiffres


  • N° 3 mondial de l’assurance

Profits and dividends (million €)

Employees in France and worldwide (fin 2021)

Greenhouse gas emissions (excluding financed emissions)

CEO pay

5,1 million € (2021)

Pay ratio between CEO and average worker

80 (2021)


61,7 % of employees 21,4 % of executive committee (2021)

Lobbying expenses declared

2,2 -2.7 million € (Paris, Brussels and Washington, 2021)

Share of subsidiaries in secret jurisdictions

25 % (2019)


5,8 % of turnover (2021)
  • Website
  • Headquarters 25, avenue Matignon, Paris VIIIe
  • Leadership Thomas Buberl (CEO), Antoine Gosset-Grainville (chairman of the board)
  • Shareholders Mutuelles Axa (14.93%), Amundi (5%), BlackRock (5%)
  • Board members Antoine Gosset-Grainville (chairman of the board), Thomas Buberl (CEO), Patricia Barbizet (formerly groupe Pinault, Tamaris & associés), Martine Bièvre (workers representative), Helen Browne (workers representative), Jean-Pierre Clamadieu (Engie), Bettina Cramm (workers representative), Clotilde Delbos (Renault), Rachel Duan (General Electric), Guillaume Faury (Airbus), Ramon Fernandez (Orange, formerly at the French Finance ministry), André François-Poncet (Wendel), Isabel Hudson (administrator of companies), Angelien Kemna (administrator of companies), Ramon de Oliveira (Investment Audit Practice), Marie-France Tschudin (Novartis)
  • Key subsidiaries Direct Assurances, Axa Banque, Axa Life
  • Former names and companies absorbed Equitable, UAP, Mutuelles Unies
  • Main countries France, United States, United Kingdom

Axa in our investigations

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