BNP Paribas
’Systemic’ mega-bank, funder of controversial industries, facilitator of speculation and tax avoidance... A financial giant at the centre of criticism.
Tous les chiffres
- 1st of banking in Europe
- N° 8 of banking globally
Profits dans dividends (million €)
Employees in France and globally (fin 2021)
Greenhouse gas emissions (without financed emissions)
CEO pay
3,9 million € (2021)Pay ratio between CEO and average worker
45 (2021)Women
52 % of employees 31,6 % of executive committee (2021)Lobbying expenses declared
2 -2.4 million € (Paris, Brussels and Washington, 2021)Share of subsidiaries in secret jurisdictions
20,3 % (2019)Wages
36 % of turnover (2021)BNP Paribas in our investigations
Latest articles on BNP Paribas
- 03.06.2014 French banks blithely financing the fracking industry
- 13.02.2014 Major European banks benefit from 48 billion euros ’implicit’ subsidies
- 15.11.2013 Which banks contribute the most to global warming?
- 29.10.2013 While claiming to be ’environmentally responsible’, BNP Paribas continues to finance the climate-killing coal industry