Partners & Networks

Observatoire des multinationales regularly collaborates with other media, independent journalists, NGOs and social movements, trade union federations and confederations, research institutes and other partners who share the same objective: providing the public with the information needed to understand corporate power and prevent corporate abuse.

Media partners

The online media basta! ( is a long-standing partner of Observatoire des multinationales, which has been published by the same association, Alter-médias, between its launch in 2013 until August 2022. This has resulted in numerous joint investigations and publications. Collaborations continue to this day, as Observatoire has become a fully-fledged association.

Beyond basta!, Observatoire des multinationales also has editorial collaborations with other media, for instance with Politis and L’Humanité for the publication of some chapters of CAC40: The true annual report.

More generally, we work in different ways with many journalists and media, in France and in Europe, to produce and distribute our investigations. For an overview of the media coverage of our work, check this page (in French).

The ENCO network

In 2016, the Observatory was one of the co-founders of the European Network of Corporate Observatories (ENCO), and remains one of its key members. This participation is reflected in numerous joint investigations and publications, such as Cities against multinationals, Impunity "made in Europe" or Know your billionaires!. See

We also regularly collaborate bilaterally with NGOs or media organisations involved in the ENCO network :

With Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) on all issues related to lobbying and corporate capture in the European Union. This has resulted in numerous publications, from our Mapping the role of corporations and lobbies in the COP21 in 2015 to our recent work on the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (2022), including the French edition of their guide Lobby Planet Brussels.

With the Transnational Institute (TNI) and many other partners on issues of remunicipalisation and on the future of public services. See in particular Our public future and several joint publications on water remunicipalisation.

Gresea in Belgium ( is another partner with whom we have a lot of cross-publications. We often use data from their own "multinationals observatory", the Mirador website.

Observatoire des multinationales also collaborates regularly with ReCommon in Italy ( and the Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG) in Catalonia, for instance with the ENCO Who controls all the pipelines ? and RecoveryWatch. We partner with the media Denik Referendum ( to track the shady deals of billionaires in the Czech Republic and beyond.

Other partners

Amis de la Terre France (Friends of the Earth France) ( are a historical partner of Observatoire des multinationales. We were media partner of the 2013, 2014 and 2015 (and 2020) editions of the Pinocchio Awards. Our collaboration continues today, among other things, around issues of corporate accountability and corporate capture in France. See in particular Les Sages sous influence ?, Lobbying: the hidden epidemic or Comment l’État français fait le jeu de Total en Ouganda.

We have partnered on several occasions with Attac France (, notably in the context of our work on CAC40 companies (see Davos : le sommet de l’hypocrisie and Moins d’emplois en France et (beaucoup) plus de dividendes : vingt ans de soumission du CAC40 aux marchés financiers. See also our joint briefing Nuclear power and finance : lobby power versus democracy.

Basic or Bureau d’analyse sociétale pour l’information citoyenne ( was our partner for two publications, one at the time of COP21 on CAC40 greenhouse gas emissions and the other on CAC40’s hidden societal costs.

The French association Ritimo ( has opened us the pages of its journal Passerelle for two publications: Cities versus multinationals and Democratic information in an age of corporate power.

Other partners include 350 France for our investigations on Total’s climate strategy and on French public financial institutions and fossil fuels, Reclaim Finance on BlackRock, and France Libertés on water and extractive industries.

All these editorial partnerships are just the tip of the iceberg. We could not carry out our work without a constant stream of formal and informal exchanges with all these parners and a multitude of other journalists, civil society organisations, elected officials and other allies and interlocutors impossible to all name here.

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